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CATEX for the Palmdale Water District's Pure Water Antelope Valley ProjectDocument Number
N2024061Document Type
CATEXProject Description
The Pure Water Antelope Valley project includes the construction of the Pure Water Antelope Valley Demonstration Facility, which is a 189 to 240 gallon per minute advanced purification demonstration facility. The Demonstration Facility will be used to conduct testing necessary to secure permit approval, inform and optimize design criteria, and increase water recovery. This loan also includes design and planning costs associated with a full-scale advanced water purification facility, injection wells, brine ponds, associated conveyance lines and a new groundwater production well.EPA Region/Headquarters Office
OWState or Territory
CAPoint of Contact
Alaina McCurdy202-564-6996
Date of Issuance
2024-03-05 00:00:00.0Website will need Adobe Reader to view some of the files on this page. See EPA's PDF page to learn more. If you need help accessing these PDF documents, please contact NEPAdatabasesupport ( for assistance.
NEPA Document(s):WIFIA NEPA CATEX _Palmdale_signed_030624.pdf (4 pp, 258.681640625 K)