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NEPA Details


Categorical Exclusion for the City of Atlanta North Fork Storage Tank & Pump Station Project

Document Number


Document Type


Project Description

This project involves the construction of a new off-line storage tank for temporary storage of peak wet weather sewage flow from the Peachtree Creek North Fork trunk sewer. During significant wet weather events, peak flows will be diverted from the North Fork trunk sewer to the off-line storage tank; the stored flow will be returned to the trunk sewer immediately following the wet weather event. The Project includes the following components: Construction of a new off-line storage tank ¿ 15 million gallons (MG) rectangular reinforced concrete tank, approximately 315 feet (ft) long by 150 ft wide by 45 ft sidewater depth at the shallow end, with top of tank flush with grade. Construction of a new on-site pump station ¿ 75 million gallons/day (MGD) capacity (approximately 40 ft by 85 ft) to deliver peak flows from the trunk sewer to storage. Construction of a new diversion structure (approximately 23 ft by 23 ft) and new microtunnel gravity sewer (60-inch diameter, approximately 1,300 linear feet (lf)) from the existing trunk sewer to the pump station using mostly trenchless construction with some open cut construction. Construction of a new dewatering chamber (approximately 20 ft by 20 ft) and microtunnel gravity sewer (48-inch diameter, approximately 835 lf) from the storage tank to the existing trunk sewer using mostly trenchless construction with some open-cut construction. Construction of a new control building (approximately 40 ft by 85 ft) housing flushing/cleaning equipment, odor control, and emergency power. Realignment and replacement of 500 lf of existing 12-inch sanitary sewer segment with 600 lf of new 12-inch sanitary sewer segment. The installation method will be open-cut construction, sequenced with site excavation for the storage tank. Replacement/realignment of 600 lf of existing 48-inch stormwater open channel segment with a new 500 linear feet of 48-inch storm sewer, using open-cut construction.

EPA Region/Headquarters Office


State or Territory


Point of Contact

Alaina McCurdy

Date of Issuance

2020-05-13 00:00:00.0

NEPA Document(s):

Atlanta North Fork NEPA CATEX Signed 051320.pdf (5 pp, 336.904296875 K)