Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Database

EIS Details

EIS Title

Shasta Lake Water Resources Investigation

EIS Number


Document Type


Federal Register Date

2013-07-05 00:00:00.0

EIS Comment Due/ Review Period Date

2013-09-30 00:00:00.0

Amended Notice Date

Amended Notice

Supplemental Information

Issuance of Notice of Intent to Prepare an EIS:

EPA Comment Letter Date

2013-09-30 00:00:00.0

State or Territory


Lead Agency

Bureau of Reclamation

Contact Name

Katrina Chow

Contact Phone


Rating (if Draft EIS)


As of October 2018, EPA discontinued the use of ratings for Draft EISs.

Check the reCAPTCHA to download documents.

EIS Document(s):

08_SLWRI Modeling Appendix - Attachment 19.pdf (24 pp, 230.982421875 K)

19_SLWRI Socioeconomics Appendix - Power and Energy Technical Report.pdf (28 pp, 4191.763671875 K)

18_SLWRI Socioeconomics Appendix - Socioeconomics Technical Report.pdf (42 pp, 1100.4833984375 K)

00_SLWRI Draft EIS - Part 1 - Summary and Chapters 1 to 13.pdf (1922 pp, 47548.3857421875 K)

00_SLWRI Draft EIS - Part 2 - Chapters 14 to 31.pdf (748 pp, 40003.0673828125 K)

01_SLWRI Glossary Appendix.pdf (32 pp, 444.8486328125 K)

02_SLWRI Plan Formulation Appendix.pdf (288 pp, 9454.3115234375 K)

03_SLWRI Engineering Summary Appendix.pdf (577 pp, 25785.2333984375 K)

05_SLWRI Modeling Appendix - Attachments 1 to 17.pdf (3040 pp, 25794.9921875 K)

06_Modeling Appendix - Attachment 18 - Part 1.pdf (1050 pp, 47305.3818359375 K)

09_SLWRI Real Estate Appendix.pdf (12 pp, 283.7177734375 K)

10_SLWRI Climate Change Modeling Appendix.pdf (194 pp, 23128.7978515625 K)

11_SLWRI Physical Resources Appendix - Geologic Technical Report.pdf (108 pp, 12680.44921875 K)

13_SLWRI Physical Resources Appendix - Hydrology and Hydraulics Technical Report.pdf (94 pp, 5182.5732421875 K)

14_SLWRI Physical Resources Appendix - Water Quality Technical Report.pdf (54 pp, 1193.72265625 K)

16_SLWRI Biological Resources Appendix - Botanical Resources Technical Report.pdf (308 pp, 39999.8642578125 K)

17_SLWRI Biological Resources Appendix - Wildlife Technical Report.pdf (348 pp, 41647.6171875 K)

20_SLWRI USFWS Coordination Act Report Appendix.pdf (682 pp, 5092.296875 K)

04_SLWRI Modeling_Appendix.pdf (252 pp, 3341.0341796875 K)

07_Modeling Appendix - Attachment 18 - Part 2.pdf (1072 pp, 48291.52734375 K)

12_SLWRI Physical Resources Appendix - Air Quality Technical Report.pdf (234 pp, 3902.8408203125 K)

15_SLWRI Biological Resources Appendix - Fisheries Technical Report.pdf (254 pp, 4607.4287109375 K)

Comment Letter(s):

20130196.pdf (7 pp, 157.900390625 K)