Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Database
EIS Details
EIS Title
Port Authority Bus Terminal Replacement ProjectEIS Number
20240014Unique Identification Number
Document Type
DraftFederal Register Date
02/02/2024EIS Comment Due/ Review Period Date
03/18/2024Amended Notice Date
Amended Notice
Supplemental Information
Issuance of Notice of Intent to Prepare an EIS:
06/04/2021EPA Comment Letter Date
03/18/2024State or Territory
NY - NJLead Agency
Federal Transit AdministrationContact Name
Ky WolteringContact Phone
212-668-2558Rating (if Draft EIS)
As of October 2018, EPA discontinued the use of ratings for Draft EISs.
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PABTR DEIS_ APP 02A_Final_Scoping_Report.pdf (67 pp, 30,133 K)
PABTR DEIS_ APP 02B_Final_NEPA_Info_Packet.pdf (38 pp, 1,608 K)
PABTR DEIS_APP 06B_Shadows.pdf (49 pp, 28,360 K)
PABTR DEIS_APP 08D_Environmental Phase II Report_PABT Ramps.pdf (760 pp, 10,201 K)
PABTR DEIS_APP 09A_Transportation_Bus_Services.pdf (24 pp, 6,134 K)
PABTR DEIS_APP 09B_Transportation_Vehicular_Traffic.pdf (64 pp, 9,250 K)
PABTR DEIS_APP 09C_Transportation_NYCTransit.pdf (22 pp, 790 K)
PABTR DEIS_APP 09D_Transportation_Pedestrian.pdf (24 pp, 1,442 K)
PABTR DEIS_APP 09E_Parking.pdf (8 pp, 2,075 K)
PABTR DEIS_APP 09F_Traffic_TDF Memo.pdf (70 pp, 4,572 K)
PABTR DEIS_APP 10A_Air Quality.pdf (27 pp, 505 K)
PABTR DEIS_APP 10B_AQ_Assessment_Backup_Data.pdf (119 pp, 7,852 K)
PABTR DEIS_APP 10C_Public_Health.pdf (5 pp, 159 K)
PABTR DEIS_APP 10D_GHG_and_Climate_Change.pdf (19 pp, 363 K)
PABTR DEIS_APP 11A_Noise and Vibration.pdf (25 pp, 1,172 K)
PABTR DEIS_APP 11B_Noise_Assessment_Backup_Data.pdf (11 pp, 23,143 K)
PABTR DEIS_APP 12A_Water_and_Sewer_Infrastructure.pdf (10 pp, 277 K)
PABTR DEIS_APP 12B_Solid_Waste_and_Sanitation_Services.pdf (8 pp, 181 K)
PABTR DEIS_APP 12C_Energy.pdf (7 pp, 199 K)
PABTR DEIS_APP 13A_Safety_and_Security.pdf (8 pp, 152 K)
PABTR DEIS_APP 14A_Construction.pdf (96 pp, 4,207 K)
PABTR DEIS_Cover_Abstract_Complete.pdf (5 pp, 970 K)
_PABTR DEIS_TOC.pdf (16 pp, 222 K)
PABTR DEIS_CH 01_Purpose and Need.pdf (16 pp, 1,332 K)
PABTR DEIS_CH 02_Project Alternatives.pdf (34 pp, 10,963 K)
PABTR DEIS_CH 03_Land Use Zoning and Public Policy.pdf (22 pp, 6,007 K)
PABTR DEIS_CH 04_Socioeconomic Conditions.pdf (15 pp, 993 K)
PABTR DEIS_CH 05_Env Justice.pdf (8 pp, 1,742 K)
PABTR DEIS_CH 06_Historic_and_Cultural.pdf (20 pp, 628 K)
PABTR DEIS_CH 07_Natural Resources.pdf (10 pp, 2,280 K)
PABTR DEIS_CH 08_Haz Mat.pdf (10 pp, 798 K)
PABTR DEIS_CH 09_Transportation.pdf (33 pp, 5,754 K)
PABTR DEIS_CH 10_Air Quality.pdf (22 pp, 384 K)
PABTR DEIS_CH 11_Noise and Vibration.pdf (18 pp, 1,169 K)
PABTR DEIS_CH 12_Utilities_and_Infrastructure.pdf (10 pp, 214 K)
PABTR DEIS_CH 13_Safety and Security.pdf (3 pp, 96 K)
PABTR DEIS_CH 14_Construction.pdf (26 pp, 1,429 K)
PABTR DEIS_CH 15_Draft_Section_4(f).pdf (2 pp, 97 K)
PABTR DEIS_CH 16_Public_and_Agency_Participation.pdf (5 pp, 143 K)
PABTR DEIS_CH 17_List of Preparers.pdf (4 pp, 102 K)
PABTR_00_Executive_Summary.pdf (32 pp, 2,207 K)
_PABTR DEIS_APP TOC.pdf (26 pp, 330 K)
PABTR DEIS_APP 01A_Purpose and Need.pdf (10 pp, 382 K)
PABTR DEIS_APP 02C_Analysis Framework.pdf (12 pp, 7,214 K)
PABTR DEIS_APP 02D_Mitigation.pdf (18 pp, 345 K)
PABTR DEIS_APP 03A_Land_Use_Zoning_and_Public_Policy.pdf (31 pp, 6,096 K)
PABTR DEIS_APP 03B_Community_Facilities.pdf (9 pp, 1,551 K)
PABTR DEIS_APP 03D_Neighborhood_Character.pdf (18 pp, 723 K)
PABTR DEIS_APP 04A_Socioeconomic_Conditions.pdf (22 pp, 1,759 K)
PABTR DEIS_APP 04B_Economic_Benefits_Analysis.pdf (12 pp, 236 K)
PABTR DEIS_APP 05A_Environmental Justice.pdf (23 pp, 1,953 K)
PABTR DEIS_APP 06A_Historic_Resources_Correspondence.pdf (469 pp, 80,739 K)
PABTR DEIS_APP 06C_Urban_Design.pdf (62 pp, 57,623 K)
PABTR DEIS_APP 06D_Draft Programmatic Agreement.pdf (28 pp, 2,124 K)
PABTR DEIS_APP 07A_Natural Resources.pdf (24 pp, 2,625 K)
PABTR DEIS_APP 07B_Natural_Resources_Correspondence.pdf (11 pp, 582 K)
PABTR DEIS_APP 08A_Haz Mat.pdf (20 pp, 1,151 K)
PABTR DEIS_APP 08B_Phase I_2023 Update_Full Report.pdf (656 pp, 15,812 K)
PABTR DEIS_APP 08C_Hazardous Material Screening Update_PABT Ramps.pdf (822 pp, 15,153 K)
PABTR DEIS_APP 14C_Construction_Assessment_Backup_Data.pdf (329 pp, 9,508 K)
PABTR DEIS_APP 14D_Construction_TDF.pdf (52 pp, 6,922 K)
PABTR DEIS_APP 15A_Draft_Section 4(f).pdf (20 pp, 2,430 K)
PABTR DEIS_APP 16A_Agency_Coordination_Plan.pdf (14 pp, 264 K)
PABTR DEIS_APP 16B_Coordination_Record.pdf (6 pp, 234 K)
PABTR DEIS_APP 16C_Public Involvement Plan.pdf (17 pp, 1,947 K)
PABTR DEIS_APP 14B_Commitment_of_Resources.pdf (2 pp, 78 K)
PABTR DEIS_APP 03C_OpenSpace.pdf (17 pp, 991 K)
Comment Letter(s):EPA_PABTR_DEIS Comment Letter.pdf (13 pp, 508 K)