Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Database

EIS Details

EIS Title

Mid-States Corridor Tier 1

EIS Number


Unique Identification Number

Document Type


Federal Register Date

2022-04-15 00:00:00.0

EIS Comment Due/ Review Period Date

2022-06-14 00:00:00.0

Amended Notice Date

2022-05-20 00:00:00.0

Amended Notice

Revision to FR Notice Published 04/15/2022; Extending the Comment Period from 05/31/2022 to 06/14/2022.

Supplemental Information

Issuance of Notice of Intent to Prepare an EIS:

2019-07-05 00:00:00.0

EPA Comment Letter Date

2022-06-14 00:00:00.0

State or Territory


Lead Agency

Federal Highway Administration

Contact Name

Michelle Allen

Contact Phone


Rating (if Draft EIS)

As of October 2018, EPA discontinued the use of ratings for Draft EISs.

Check the reCAPTCHA to download documents.

EIS Document(s):

AppendixCC-Purpose and Need.pdf (187 pp, 12974.0654296875 K)

DEIS-Signature Page DES1801941.pdf (1 pp, 305.2783203125 K)

DEIS-Cover-TOC.pdf (20 pp, 914.6259765625 K)

Chapter 3.17-Floodplain Impacts.pdf (6 pp, 2398.220703125 K)

Chapter 3.07-Traffic Impacts.pdf (12 pp, 2241.455078125 K)

AppendixFF-Agricultural Impacts.pdf (14 pp, 1986.7470703125 K)

Appendix E-Cost Estimating.pdf (104 pp, 1131.14453125 K)

Volume III-Environmental Atlas Part 3 Pg O12-P29.pdf (54 pp, 95776.9169921875 K)

Volume III-Environmental Atlas Part 2 Pg M1-O11.pdf (44 pp, 106220.1103515625 K)

Volume III-Environmental Atlas Part 1 Pg3-C24.pdf (57 pp, 90885.732421875 K)

AppendixMM-Wild Scenic.pdf (5 pp, 484.4306640625 K)

AppendixLL-Mineral Resources.pdf (21 pp, 3749.7919921875 K)

AppendixKK-Section 4(f).pdf (36 pp, 5278.3623046875 K)

AppendixJJ-Noise Impacts.pdf (36 pp, 9941.9775390625 K)

AppendixII-Media Outreach.pdf (16 pp, 526.931640625 K)

AppendixHH-Ecosystem Impacts.pdf (13 pp, 446.1044921875 K)

AppendixGG-Managed Lands.pdf (52 pp, 5828.2001953125 K)

AppendixEE-Economic Impacts.pdf (9 pp, 424.6064453125 K)

AppendixDD-Social Impacts.pdf (34 pp, 3015.57421875 K)

AppendixBB-Public Meetings and Correspondence.pdf (229 pp, 55532.5654296875 K)

AppendixAA-Stakeholder Meetings and Correspondence.pdf (333 pp, 50800.162109375 K)

Appendix Z-Agency Meetings and Correspondence.pdf (193 pp, 41094.7236328125 K)

Appendix Y-Karst Impacts Analysis.pdf (6 pp, 1151.681640625 K)

Appendix X-Geographic Information System Technical Documentation.pdf (39 pp, 709.6279296875 K)

Appendix W-Title VI and Environmental Justice.pdf (82 pp, 4353.263671875 K)

Appendix V-Local Improvements.pdf (52 pp, 3923.6640625 K)

Appendix U-Land Use Plan Review.pdf (35 pp, 12886.6640625 K)

Appendix T-Travel Forecasting Model Documentation.pdf (70 pp, 6346.126953125 K)

Appendix S-Properties of Environmental Concern.pdf (65 pp, 49271.0556640625 K)

Appendix R-Section 303(d) List.pdf (17 pp, 2511.5263671875 K)

Appendix Q-Direct and Indirect Impacts Analysis.pdf (19 pp, 4455.6171875 K)

Appendix P-Section 106 Documentation.pdf (66 pp, 5086.6171875 K)

Appendix O-Historic Properties Analysis.pdf (201 pp, 24155.5263671875 K)

Appendix N-Archaeology Analysis.pdf (23 pp, 502.5927734375 K)

Appendix M-Groundwater Impacts.pdf (12 pp, 1170.580078125 K)

Appendix L-Stream Impacts.pdf (36 pp, 25083.107421875 K)

Appendix K-Wetland Impacts.pdf (10 pp, 1989.392578125 K)

Appendix J-Floodplain Impacts.pdf (10 pp, 1764.3984375 K)

Appendix I-Threatened and Endangered Species.pdf (80 pp, 4669.119140625 K)

Appendix H-Forest Impacts.pdf (15 pp, 1405.34375 K)

Appendix G-Cumulative Impacts Analysis.pdf (19 pp, 597.990234375 K)

Appendix F-Cumulative Impacts Baseline Trends.pdf (14 pp, 635.9736328125 K)

Appendix D-Screening of Alternatives Report.pdf (56 pp, 14564.0400390625 K)

Appendix C-Preliminary Alternatives Documentation.pdf (38 pp, 4816.759765625 K)

Appendix B-Economic Performance Measures and Methods.pdf (9 pp, 462.626953125 K)

Appendix A-Transportation Performance Measures.pdf (11 pp, 736.056640625 K)

Chapter 12-Index.pdf (8 pp, 261.64453125 K)

Chapter 11-Glossary and Acronyms.pdf (18 pp, 288.7119140625 K)

Chapter 10-References.pdf (42 pp, 502.8720703125 K)

Chapter 9-Distribution of EIS.pdf (10 pp, 269.2333984375 K)

Chapter 8-List of Preparers.pdf (6 pp, 260.3310546875 K)

Chapter 7-Comments, Agency Coordination, and Public Involvement.pdf (16 pp, 484.8701171875 K)

Chapter 6-Environmental Commitments.pdf (8 pp, 270.462890625 K)

Chapter 5-Comparison of Alternatives.pdf (10 pp, 3706.1494140625 K)

Chapter 4-Section 4(f).pdf (12 pp, 1562.30859375 K)

Chapter 3.30-Irretrievable and Irreversible Resource Losses.pdf (4 pp, 243.5947265625 K)

Chapter 3.29-Short-Term Uses Versus Long Term Productivity.pdf (4 pp, 247.060546875 K)

Chapter 3.28-Energy Impacts.pdf (4 pp, 225.86328125 K)

Chapter 3.27-Managed Land Impacts.pdf (8 pp, 1470.771484375 K)

Chapter 3.26-Permits.pdf (6 pp, 221.9794921875 K)

Chapter 3.25-Ecosystem Impacts.pdf (6 pp, 2076.6650390625 K)

Chapter 3.24-Agricultural Impacts.pdf (6 pp, 234.9560546875 K)

Chapter 3.23-Karst Impacts.pdf (6 pp, 1906.6162109375 K)

Chapter 3.22-Mineral Resource Impacts.pdf (10 pp, 1011.37890625 K)

Chapter 3.21-Forest Impacts.pdf (10 pp, 1037.6611328125 K)

Chapter 3.20-Groundwater Impacts.pdf (6 pp, 12099.4873046875 K)

Chapter 3.19-Stream Impacts.pdf (8 pp, 2368.708984375 K)

Chapter 3.18-Wetland Impacts.pdf (6 pp, 1135.8349609375 K)

Chapter 3.16-Threatened and Endangered Species.pdf (28 pp, 1531.4306640625 K)

Chapter 3.15-Properties of Environmental Concern.pdf (16 pp, 5573.1015625 K)

Chapter 3.14-Visual Impacts.pdf (6 pp, 1560.947265625 K)

Chapter 3.13-Cultural Resources Impacts.pdf (10 pp, 345.0732421875 K)

Chapter 3.12-Construction Impacts.pdf (6 pp, 288.091796875 K)

Chapter 3.11-Wild and Scenic Rivers.pdf (6 pp, 2306.8291015625 K)

Chapter 3.10-Noise Impacts.pdf (10 pp, 313.72265625 K)

Chapter 3.09-Air Quality Impacts.pdf (6 pp, 5210.7919921875 K)

Chapter 3.08-Title VI EJ.pdf (12 pp, 1501.9169921875 K)

Chapter 3.06-Indirect and Cumulative Impacts.pdf (14 pp, 403.080078125 K)

Chapter 3.05-Relocation Impacts.pdf (8 pp, 308.578125 K)

Chapter 3.04-Economic Impacts.pdf (8 pp, 309.6826171875 K)

Chapter 3.03-Social Impacts.pdf (10 pp, 241.923828125 K)

Chapter 3.02-Land Use Impacts.pdf (8 pp, 593.24609375 K)

Chapter 3.01-Environmental Resources Analysis Approach.pdf (4 pp, 267.1064453125 K)

Chapter 2-Alternatives.pdf (48 pp, 38867.4541015625 K)

Chapter 1-Purpose and Need.pdf (12 pp, 1873.1962890625 K)

Chapter 0-EIS Summary.pdf (18 pp, 4683.7861328125 K)

Comment Letter(s):

20220052.pdf (4 pp, 275.171875 K)