Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Database
EIS Details
EIS Title
Nanushuk ProjectEIS Number
20180261Unique Identification Number
Document Type
FinalFederal Register Date
11/02/2018EIS Comment Due/ Review Period Date
12/03/2018Amended Notice Date
Amended Notice
Supplemental Information
Issuance of Notice of Intent to Prepare an EIS:
EPA Comment Letter Date
12/03/2018State or Territory
AKLead Agency
U.S. Army Corps of EngineersContact Name
Ellon LyonsContact Phone
907-474-2169Rating (if Draft EIS)
As of October 2018, EPA discontinued the use of ratings for Draft EISs.
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4 App IV_Inupiaq Names_20181022_.pdf (10 pp, 291 K)
5 App V AQIA_ 20181016_.pdf (97 pp, 2,320 K)
1 App I_Permit Application_2018-10-15_.pdf (46 pp, 3,314 K)
2 Appendix II Scoping_20181022_.pdf (554 pp, 19,387 K)
7a App VII.1 Wetlands and VegetationTechnical Information_.pdf (128 pp, 19,216 K)
7b App VII.1 Mapbook - Aquatic Site Assessment Figures_.pdf (76 pp, 43,050 K)
8 Appendix VIII Biological TI_20181024_.pdf (162 pp, 2,885 K)
9 App IX Biological Assessments_20181016_.pdf (136 pp, 11,820 K)
10 Appendix X - Subsistence_20181022_.pdf (33 pp, 10,881 K)
11 App XI_Final Baseline HHS_20181016_.pdf (33 pp, 534 K)
13a Appendix XIII.1 - Comment Summary_.pdf (215 pp, 40,699 K)
13b Appendix XIII.2 - Comment Letters K to W.pdf (101 pp, 33,531 K)
13c Appendix XIII Verbally and Electronically Submitted Comments_.pdf (91 pp, 1,656 K)
FEIS EX Summary_2018-10-25_.pdf (70 pp, 4,201 K)
Nanushuk Project FEIS Ch3_Ch11_2018-10-25_part1.pdf (486 pp, 18,215 K)
Nanushuk Project FEIS Cover_Ch2_2018-10-25_.pdf (192 pp, 12,901 K)
Nanushuk Project FEIS Ch3_Ch11_2018-10-25_part2.pdf (502 pp, 14,829 K)
3 20181022_Appendix III - Alts Devel_FEIS_.pdf (27 pp, 344 K)
6 App VI_Water Resources TI_20181022_.pdf (101 pp, 3,702 K)
7c App VII.2 Wetlands and VegetationTechnical Information_.pdf (124 pp, 43,373 K)
12 App XII Cultural Resources Information_20181016_.pdf (20 pp, 492 K)
Comment Letter(s):20180261.pdf (2 pp, 697 K)