Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Database

EIS Details

EIS Title

Loop 9 Segment A

EIS Number


Document Type


Federal Register Date

2022-11-10 00:00:00.0

EIS Comment Due/ Review Period Date

2023-01-03 00:00:00.0

Amended Notice Date

Amended Notice

Supplemental Information

Issuance of Notice of Intent to Prepare an EIS:

2019-05-20 00:00:00.0

EPA Comment Letter Date

State or Territory


Lead Agency

Texas Department of Transportation

Contact Name

Doug Booher

Contact Phone


Rating (if Draft EIS)


As of October 2018, EPA discontinued the use of ratings for Draft EISs.

Check the reCAPTCHA to download documents.

EIS Document(s):

Appendix N - Surface Water Analysis Form.pdf (9 pp, 455.9736328125 K)

Appendix M - Water Features by Alternative Alignment.pdf (14 pp, 543.236328125 K)

Appendix L-Attachment 5_Antecedent Precipitation Tool Results.pdf (7 pp, 559.4365234375 K)

Appendix L-Attachment 4_Site Photographs.pdf (23 pp, 22652.1181640625 K)

Appendix L-Attachment 3_Historic Aerial Photographs_2005-2016.pdf (12 pp, 57394.7353515625 K)

Appendix L-Attachment 3_Historic Aerial Photographs_1981-1995.pdf (12 pp, 85513.6416015625 K)

Appendix L-Attachment 3_Historic Aerial Photographs_1958-1972.pdf (12 pp, 124821.376953125 K)

Appendix L-Attachment 3_Cover and Historic Aerial Photographs_1942-1953.pdf (9 pp, 90655.087890625 K)

Appendix L-Attachment 2_Wetland Determination Data Forms.pdf (333 pp, 8774.7568359375 K)

Appendix L-Attachment 1_Figure 8.pdf (40 pp, 78931.158203125 K)

Appendix L-Attachment 1_Figures 6 and 7.pdf (41 pp, 90847.974609375 K)

Appendix L-Attachment 1_Figure 5.pdf (40 pp, 63037.82421875 K)

Appendix L-Attachment 1_Figures 1-4.pdf (43 pp, 94968.91796875 K)

Appendix L-Water Features Delineation Report_Report without Attachments.pdf (29 pp, 572.259765625 K)

Appendix K - DEIS Reasonable Alternatives Traffic Noise Analysis Report.pdf (131 pp, 79731.779296875 K)

Appendix J-Species Analysis Spreadsheet and Documentation Attachments 10-16.pdf (345 pp, 29061.431640625 K)

Appendix J-Species Analysis Spreadsheet and Documentation Attachment 9.pdf (40 pp, 45003.6416015625 K)

Appendix J-Species Analysis Spreadsheet and Documentation Attachment 8.pdf (40 pp, 68653.6826171875 K)

Appendix J-Species Analysis Spreadsheet and Documentation Attachments 1-7.pdf (91 pp, 46580.5322265625 K)

Appendix I - Historical Resources Survey Report.pdf (514 pp, 101487.646484375 K)

Appendix H - Hazardous Materials Initial Site Assessment.pdf (171 pp, 71750.9091796875 K)

Appendix G - Community Impacts Assesssment.pdf (135 pp, 113983.572265625 K)

Appendix F - Interim Report for Archeological Survey.pdf (76 pp, 18825.77734375 K)

Appendix E - Supporting Documentation.pdf (11 pp, 8500.2705078125 K)

Appendix D - Agency Coordination.pdf (11 pp, 2108.2880859375 K)

Appendix C - Notice of Intent.pdf (4 pp, 176.7431640625 K)

Appendix B - Traffic Methodology Report.pdf (12 pp, 402.9072265625 K)

Appendix A - Excerpt from the MTP and TIP.pdf (4 pp, 424.0693359375 K)

Loop 9 Segment A DEIS EXHIBITS.pdf (58 pp, 107401.1513671875 K)

Draft Environmental Impact Statement Loop 9 Segment A.pdf (246 pp, 6987.3271484375 K)

Comment Letter(s):

20220163 Loop 9 Highway Project, Ellis and Dallas County, Texas Draft EIS EPA Region 6 Comment Letter.pdf (2 pp, 294.0234375 K)