Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Database

EIS Details

EIS Title

Greenlink West Project

EIS Number


Document Type


Federal Register Date

2023-05-26 00:00:00.0

EIS Comment Due/ Review Period Date

2023-08-23 00:00:00.0

Amended Notice Date

Amended Notice

Supplemental Information

Issuance of Notice of Intent to Prepare an EIS:

2022-05-02 00:00:00.0

EPA Comment Letter Date

State or Territory


Lead Agency

Bureau of Land Management

Contact Name

Brian Buttazoni

Contact Phone


Rating (if Draft EIS)


As of October 2018, EPA discontinued the use of ratings for Draft EISs.

Check the reCAPTCHA to download documents.

EIS Document(s):

GLWP May 2023 DEIS-RMPA Abstract.pdf (1 pp, 170.197265625 K)

GLWP May 2023 DEIS-RMPA Dear Reader Letter.pdf (3 pp, 152.5791015625 K)

Appendix B - NV Energy POD_Full.pdf (344 pp, 85543.908203125 K)

Appendix Y - Impacts on Existing Inventoried LWCs.pdf (22 pp, 6083.6083984375 K)

Appendix X - Socioeconomic References.pdf (6 pp, 159.7890625 K)

Appendix W - Air Emissions.pdf (14 pp, 550.6279296875 K)

Appendix V - Cultural Resources and Section 106 Compliance_Part8.pdf (51 pp, 10801.96484375 K)

Appendix V - Cultural Resources and Section 106 Compliance_Part7.pdf (471 pp, 18592.7685546875 K)

Appendix V - Cultural Resources and Section 106 Compliance_Part6.pdf (190 pp, 17140.90625 K)

Appendix V - Cultural Resources and Section 106 Compliance_Part5.pdf (45 pp, 16459.9716796875 K)

Appendix V - Cultural Resources and Section 106 Compliance_Part4.pdf (16 pp, 14270.0205078125 K)

Appendix V - Cultural Resources and Section 106 Compliance_Part3.pdf (20 pp, 18424.490234375 K)

Appendix V - Cultural Resources and Section 106 Compliance_Part2.pdf (20 pp, 18530.984375 K)

Appendix V - Cultural Resources and Section 106 Compliance_Part1.pdf (22 pp, 17977.74609375 K)

Appendix U - Proposed Action Legal Description.pdf (18 pp, 272.744140625 K)

Appendix T - CEAAs and RFFAs Table.pdf (90 pp, 14291.4072265625 K)

Appendix S - BLM Socioeconomic Data.pdf (241 pp, 1377.5087890625 K)

Appendix R - Greenlink IMPLAN Analysis.pdf (32 pp, 413.7890625 K)

Appendix Q - NPS Visual Impact Assessment Information_Part2.pdf (27 pp, 18223.884765625 K)

Appendix Q - NPS Visual Impact Assessment Information_Part1.pdf (29 pp, 19142.91796875 K)

Appendix P - BLM Visual Resource Analysis Information_Part13.pdf (10 pp, 7696.166015625 K)

Appendix P - BLM Visual Resource Analysis Information_Part12.pdf (22 pp, 16663.38671875 K)

Appendix P - BLM Visual Resource Analysis Information_Part11.pdf (15 pp, 13705.4306640625 K)

Appendix P - BLM Visual Resource Analysis Information_Part10.pdf (19 pp, 18017.30859375 K)

Appendix P - BLM Visual Resource Analysis Information_Part9.pdf (43 pp, 17407.59375 K)

Appendix P - BLM Visual Resource Analysis Information_Part8.pdf (49 pp, 15909.1826171875 K)

Appendix P - BLM Visual Resource Analysis Information_Part7.pdf (45 pp, 18306.806640625 K)

Appendix P - BLM Visual Resource Analysis Information_Part6.pdf (49 pp, 18965.779296875 K)

Appendix P - BLM Visual Resource Analysis Information_Part5.pdf (48 pp, 19929.1650390625 K)

Appendix P - BLM Visual Resource Analysis Information_Part4.pdf (49 pp, 18155.3134765625 K)

Appendix P - BLM Visual Resource Analysis Information_Part3.pdf (52 pp, 14738.548828125 K)

Appendix P - BLM Visual Resource Analysis Information_Part2.pdf (57 pp, 18629.1416015625 K)

Appendix P - BLM Visual Resource Analysis Information_Part1.pdf (61 pp, 16029.955078125 K)

Appendix O - City Master Plans.pdf (6 pp, 225.8076171875 K)

Appendix N - County Master Plans.pdf (8 pp, 232.712890625 K)

Appendix M - NHT Inventory and Assessment Report.pdf (70 pp, 7451.939453125 K)

Appendix L - Paleontological Resources Mitigation Plan.pdf (4 pp, 173.7724609375 K)

Appendix K - Cultural Resources Mitigation Plan.pdf (35 pp, 504.048828125 K)

Appendix J - Soil Orders Table.pdf (4 pp, 150.6953125 K)

Appendix I - Special Status Species Considered.pdf (30 pp, 758.9541015625 K)

Appendix H - Bird and Bat Conservation Strategy.pdf (88 pp, 5510.4111328125 K)

Appendix G - Raven Management Plan.pdf (29 pp, 2705.62109375 K)

Appendix F - Federally Listed Species Table.pdf (9 pp, 223.6923828125 K)

Appendix E - Vegetation Tables.pdf (23 pp, 345.421875 K)

Appendix D - NV Department of Agriculture Noxious Weeds List.pdf (5 pp, 199.9755859375 K)

Appendix C - Environmental Management Measures.pdf (73 pp, 709.982421875 K)

Appendix A - List of Relevant Actions and Authorities.pdf (7 pp, 628.15625 K)

Draft EIS-RMP Amendments.pdf (653 pp, 19652.49609375 K)

Comment Letter(s):

2023-08-23_EPA DEIS Comments_GLW_signedjp.pdf (10 pp, 399.05078125 K)