Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Database

EIS Details

EIS Title

Texas Gulflink Deepwater Port License Application

EIS Number


Document Type

Draft Supplement

Federal Register Date

2022-09-30 00:00:00.0

EIS Comment Due/ Review Period Date

2022-11-30 00:00:00.0

Amended Notice Date

2022-11-10 00:00:00.0

Amended Notice

Revision to FR Notice Published 09/30/2022; Extending the Comment Period from 11/14/2022 to 11/30/2022.

Supplemental Information

Issuance of Notice of Intent to Prepare an EIS:

2019-07-03 00:00:00.0

EPA Comment Letter Date

2022-11-29 00:00:00.0

State or Territory


Lead Agency

U.S. Coast Guard

Contact Name

Patrick Clark

Contact Phone


Rating (if Draft EIS)

As of October 2018, EPA discontinued the use of ratings for Draft EISs.

Check the reCAPTCHA to download documents.

EIS Document(s):

TGL_Draft_EIS_Executive Summary_Sept2022_Spanish_bookmarks_marked changes_508.pdf (32 pp, 439.0126953125 K)

Texas GulfLink_Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement__Sept2022_marked changes_508.pdf (982 pp, 45425.876953125 K)

Appendix_AB_Upstream Downstream GHG Analysis_Sept2022_508.pdf (5 pp, 253.78515625 K)

Appendix_AA_Terminal Site Selection Study_redacted_Sept2022_508.pdf (36 pp, 4782.34765625 K)

Appendix_Z_Onshore_Oil_Spill_Modeling_Analysis_Spills_into_Inland_Waterways_Sept2022_508.pdf (328 pp, 50424.56640625 K)

Appendix_Y_NPDES Initial Permit Application_Sept2022_508.pdf (136 pp, 21021.44921875 K)

Appendix_X_Environmental_Baseline_Survey_Acoustic_Monitoring_Sept2022_508.pdf (30 pp, 18826.029296875 K)

Appendix_W_Air Quality Analysis in Support of Permit Applications_Sept2022_508.pdf (223 pp, 7374.2158203125 K)

Appendix_V_General Conformity Rule Applicability Analysis_Sept2022_508.pdf (15 pp, 370.541015625 K)

Appendix_U_Unanticipated Discoveries Plan_Cultural Resources_Sept2022_508.pdf (4 pp, 1778.033203125 K)

Appendix_T_Onshore_Components_MapSeries_Soils_Sept2022_508.pdf (6 pp, 935.984375 K)

Appendix_S_Onshore_Pipeline_Map_Series_Vegetative Communities_Sept2022_508.pdf (95 pp, 54127.140625 K)

Appendix_R_Ichthyoplankton_Impact Assessment_Sept2022_508.pdf (67 pp, 3694.1689453125 K)

Appendix_Q_TGL_Project_Onshore_Noise_Impact_Reports_Sept2022_508.pdf (96 pp, 7377.1982421875 K)

Appendix_P_Habitat Restoration Plan_Sept2022_508.pdf (7 pp, 212.54296875 K)

Appendix_O_Compensatory Mitigation Plan_Sept2022_508.pdf (20 pp, 2336.0205078125 K)

Appendix_N_Unanticipated_Discovery_of_Contamination_Plan_and Mitigation Statement_Sept2022_508.pdf (16 pp, 2567.9990234375 K)

Appendix_M_List of Applicant's BMP and Mitgation Measures_Sept2022_508.pdf (24 pp, 300.220703125 K)

Appendix_L_ Texas GulfLink Deepwater Port Risk Analysis_Sept2022_508.pdf (138 pp, 15061.623046875 K)

Appendix_K_Proposed_HDD_Execution_Plan_Sept2022_508.pdf (64 pp, 26281.037109375 K)

Appendix_J_Onshore OIl Spills Modeling for Spills onto Land_Sept2022_508.pdf (55 pp, 7228.4619140625 K)

Appendix_I_ Oil Spill Modeling Analysis for Spills into Offshore Water_Sept2022_508.pdf (413 pp, 42563.115234375 K)

Appendix_H_ConsistencyWithTheTCMPForm_Sept2022_508.pdf (9 pp, 1880.6240234375 K)

Appendix_G_Essential Fish Habitat Assessment_Sept2022_508 (1).pdf (76 pp, 6349.953125 K)

Appendix_F_TGL Biological Assessment_Sept2022_508.pdf (123 pp, 4455.671875 K)

Appendix_E_Onshore_Components_MapSeries_Wetlands_Sept2022_508.pdf (95 pp, 54108.6318359375 K)

Appendix_D_Agency_Correspondence_Sept2022_508_part1.pdf (802 pp, 61154.6484375 K)

Appendix_C_PublicCommPart 2_Sept2022_508.pdf (1650 pp, 49091.7158203125 K)

Appendix_C_PublicComm_Part 1_Sept2022_508.pdf (1808 pp, 23332.740234375 K)

Appendix_B_Initial_Notification_Letters_Sept2022_508 (1).pdf (93 pp, 4190.5478515625 K)

Appendix_A_Public_Notices_Sept2022_508.pdf (48 pp, 8021.9296875 K)

Texas GulfLink_Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement__Sept2022_508.pdf (955 pp, 46058.896484375 K)

Comment Letter(s):

Texas GulfLink DWP Supplemental Draft EIS EPA Amended Comment Letter 2_9_2023.pdf (4 pp, 191.646484375 K)

CEQ No 20220139.pdf (4 pp, 284.494140625 K)