Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Database

EIS Details

EIS Title

Boise River Basin Feasibility Study

EIS Number


Document Type


Federal Register Date

2020-07-31 00:00:00.0

EIS Comment Due/ Review Period Date

2020-09-14 00:00:00.0

Amended Notice Date

Amended Notice

Supplemental Information

Issuance of Notice of Intent to Prepare an EIS:

EPA Comment Letter Date

2020-09-14 00:00:00.0

State or Territory


Lead Agency

Bureau of Reclamation

Contact Name

Selena Morre

Contact Phone


Rating (if Draft EIS)


As of October 2018, EPA discontinued the use of ratings for Draft EISs.

Check the reCAPTCHA to download documents.

EIS Document(s):

Chapters 1-4 Boise River Basin Feasibility Study Draft EIS.pdf (296 pp, 14656.0966796875 K)

Appendix A Scoping Summary Report.pdf (233 pp, 17706.859375 K)

Appendix B02 SR_Soils and Geology.pdf (25 pp, 427.1201171875 K)

Appendix B03 SR_Water Resources.pdf (38 pp, 514.8603515625 K)

Appendix B04 SR_Floodplains.pdf (22 pp, 392.169921875 K)

Appendix B05 SR_Wetlands.pdf (48 pp, 13860.2861328125 K)

Appendix B06 SR_Vegetation.pdf (64 pp, 756.65234375 K)

Appendix B08 SR_Wildlife.pdf (40 pp, 550.15234375 K)

Appendix B09 SR_Threatened and Endangered.pdf (49 pp, 575.240234375 K)

Appendix B10 SR_Aesthetics.pdf (67 pp, 6192.0322265625 K)

Appendix B12 SR_ClimateVariability.pdf (68 pp, 5727.5673828125 K)

Appendix B13 SR_Noise.pdf (27 pp, 435.99609375 K)

Appendix B14 SR_Land Use.pdf (28 pp, 2321.658203125 K)

Appendix B15 SR_Recreation.pdf (60 pp, 8752.845703125 K)

Appendix B17 SR_Transportation.pdf (44 pp, 16585.453125 K)

Appendix B18 SR_Socioeconomics.pdf (37 pp, 694.349609375 K)

Appendix B19 SR_Hazardous and Toxic Materials.pdf (23 pp, 334.3017578125 K)

Appendix B20 SR_Safety.pdf (30 pp, 4788.47265625 K)

Appendix B22 SR_Environmental Justice.pdf (17 pp, 595.1005859375 K)

Appendix C 6-foot Raise Engineering Summary.pdf (110 pp, 2734.9892578125 K)

Appendix D 3-foot Raise Engineering Summary.pdf (20 pp, 905.4033203125 K)

Appendix F Water Operations Tech Memo.pdf (99 pp, 5174.728515625 K)

Appendix G Flood Risk Management Analysis.pdf (43 pp, 6866.322265625 K)

Appendix H Varial Zone Habitat Survey for Wetland.pdf (77 pp, 13969.9140625 K)

Appendix B01 SR_Water Operations_Hydrology.pdf (67 pp, 1542.078125 K)

Appendix B07 SR_Fisheries.pdf (32 pp, 472.2705078125 K)

Appendix B11 SR_AirQuality.pdf (73 pp, 863.935546875 K)

Appendix B16 SR_Water_Rights.pdf (27 pp, 455.60546875 K)

Appendix B21 SR_Cultural Resources.pdf (58 pp, 6561.380859375 K)

Appendix E Alternatives Considered But Not Analyzed.pdf (18 pp, 339.376953125 K)

Comment Letter(s):

20200150.pdf (14 pp, 379.205078125 K)