Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Database

EIS Details

EIS Title

Sunrise Wind Project

EIS Number


Unique Identification Number

Document Type


Federal Register Date

2022-12-16 00:00:00.0

EIS Comment Due/ Review Period Date

2023-02-14 00:00:00.0

Amended Notice Date

Amended Notice

Supplemental Information

Issuance of Notice of Intent to Prepare an EIS:

2022-08-31 00:00:00.0

EPA Comment Letter Date

2023-02-14 00:00:00.0

State or Territory

RI - MA - NY

Lead Agency

Bureau of Ocean Energy Management

Contact Name

Paige Foley

Contact Phone


Rating (if Draft EIS)

As of October 2018, EPA discontinued the use of ratings for Draft EISs.

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EIS Document(s):

Sunrise Wind Draft Environmental Impact Statement.pdf (883 pp, 13300.55078125 K)

Appendix P_USACE 404(b)(1) Analysis_508.pdf (12 pp, 754.3515625 K)

Appendix O_Public Comments and Responses on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement_508.pdf (1 pp, 122.453125 K)

Appendix N_Distribution List_508.pdf (5 pp, 206.3876953125 K)

Appendix M_List of Preparers and Reviewers_508.pdf (5 pp, 387.1455078125 K)

Appendix L_Glossary_508.pdf (9 pp, 165.2080078125 K)

Appendix K_References Cited_DEIS_508.pdf (88 pp, 706.7724609375 K)

Appendix J_Finding of Adverse Effect for Historic Properties and Draft Memorandum of Agreement_508.pdf (95 pp, 2426.0908203125 K)

Appendix I-5K_Selected Key Observation Points Cumulative Assessment Visual Simulations_508.pdf (10 pp, 117016.9853515625 K)

Appendix I-5J_Selected Key Observation Points Cumulative Assessment Visual Simulations_508.pdf (10 pp, 101551.599609375 K)

Appendix I-5I_Selected Key Observation Points Cumulative Assessment Visual Simulations_508.pdf (7 pp, 65066.546875 K)

Appendix I-5H_Selected Key Observation Points Cumulative Assessment Visual Simulations_508.pdf (10 pp, 122275.9853515625 K)

Appendix I-5G_Selected Key Observation Points Cumulative Assessment Visual Simulations_508.pdf (16 pp, 56201.615234375 K)

Appendix I-5F_Selected Key Observation Points Cumulative Assessment Visual Simulations_508.pdf (17 pp, 116815.5732421875 K)

Appendix I-5E_Selected Key Observation Points Cumulative Assessment Visual Simulations_508.pdf (12 pp, 59025.8115234375 K)

Appendix I-5D_Selected Key Observation Points Cumulative Assessment Visual Simulations_508.pdf (10 pp, 62430.287109375 K)

Appendix I-5C_Selected Key Observation Points Cumulative Assessment Visual Simulations_508.pdf (7 pp, 89524.3291015625 K)

Appendix I-5B_Selected Key Observation Points Cumulative Assessment Visual Simulations_508.pdf (10 pp, 58655.0888671875 K)

Appendix I-5A_Selected Key Observation Points Cumulative Assessment Visual Simulations_508.pdf (11 pp, 109789.298828125 K)

Appendix I-4_Key Observation Points Information and Assessments_508.pdf (16 pp, 459.1552734375 K)

Appendix I-3B_Key Observation Points Visual Simulations of Proposed Action - Project Design Envelope - Horizontal Occupation Assessment_508.pdf (43 pp, 8106.0146484375 K)

Appendix I-3A_Key Observation Points Visual Simulations of Proposed Action - Project Design Envelope_508.pdf (181 pp, 54388.4482421875 K)

Appendix I-2_Identified Existing Scenic and Visually Sensitive Resources within the Visual Study Area_508.pdf (14 pp, 683.4296875 K)

Appendix I-1_Scenic Resources Overview Map_508.pdf (9 pp, 2261.888671875 K)

Appendix I_Seascape, Landscape, and Visual Impact Assessment (SLVIA)_508.pdf (42 pp, 1385.283203125 K)

Appendix H_Mitigation and Monitoring_508.pdf (71 pp, 803.8837890625 K)

Appendix G_Impact-Producing Factor Tables_508.pdf (27 pp, 359.9638671875 K)

Appendix F_Analysis of Incomplete and Unavailable Information _508.pdf (16 pp, 638.8603515625 K)

Appendix E_Planned Activities Scenario_508.pdf (120 pp, 1235.146484375 K)

Appendix D_Geographical Analysis Areas_508.pdf (28 pp, 4382.830078125 K)

Appendix C_Project Design Envelope and Maximum-Case Scenario_DEIS_508.pdf (23 pp, 906.7294921875 K)

Appendix B_Supplemental Information and Additional Figures and Tables_508.pdf (128 pp, 2644.7373046875 K)

Appendix A_Required Environmental Permits and Consultations - 508.pdf (17 pp, 307.919921875 K)

Comment Letter(s):

20220188tt.pdf (17 pp, 285.662109375 K)