Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Database

EIS Details

EIS Title

I-35 Capital Express Central Project

EIS Number


Unique Identification Number

Document Type


Federal Register Date

2023-01-06 00:00:00.0

EIS Comment Due/ Review Period Date

2023-03-07 00:00:00.0

Amended Notice Date

Amended Notice

Supplemental Information

Issuance of Notice of Intent to Prepare an EIS:

2020-08-12 00:00:00.0

EPA Comment Letter Date

State or Territory


Lead Agency

Texas Department of Transportation

Contact Name

Doug Booher

Contact Phone


Rating (if Draft EIS)

As of October 2018, EPA discontinued the use of ratings for Draft EISs.

Check the reCAPTCHA to download documents.

EIS Document(s):

Appendix W_ListofStakeholders.pdf (5 pp, 211.4013671875 K)

Appendix V_GreenhouseGasandClimateChange.pdf (210 pp, 49704.689453125 K)

Appendix U_MISRenderings.pdf (9 pp, 368.9326171875 K)

Appendix T_TTIEvaluationTxDOTBuildAltsandCommunityConcepts.pdf (36 pp, 1211.919921875 K)

Appendix S_DelphiPanelSummaryReport.pdf (72 pp, 2962.9189453125 K)

Appendix R_TrafficNoise.pdf (330 pp, 86953.5908203125 K)

Appendix Q_HazardousMaterials.pdf (166 pp, 38470.1669921875 K)

Appendix P_AirQuality.pdf (85 pp, 26349.927734375 K)

Appendix O_BiologicalResources.pdf (136 pp, 49571.7451171875 K)

Appendix N_WaterResources.pdf (62 pp, 107806.8388671875 K)

Appendix M_ProtectedLands.pdf (108 pp, 35683.5302734375 K)

Appendix L_Walker Brothers Warehouse_Intensive Survey Technical Report_Sept2022.pdf (81 pp, 14624.0625 K)

Appendix L_Town Lake Park System from Waller Creek to Fiesta Gardens_Intensive Intensive Survey Report_Sept2022.pdf (146 pp, 32636.9658203125 K)

Appendix L_Robinson Brothers Warehouse_Intensive Survey Technical Report_Sept2022.pdf (56 pp, 11037.3466796875 K)

Appendix L_Palm Park_Intensive Survey Technical Report_Sept2022.pdf (69 pp, 10419.10546875 K)

Appendix L_Mount Calvary Cemetery_Oct2022.pdf (63 pp, 8089.1015625 K)

Appendix L_Historic Resources Survey Report.pdf (1929 pp, 109750.4951171875 K)

Appendix L_Emmanuel United Methodist Church_Intensive Survey Technical Report_Sept2022.pdf (74 pp, 11728.2900390625 K)

Appendix L_Elgin-Butler Brick Company Main Office_Intensive Survey Technical Report_Sept2022 (1).pdf (63 pp, 14224.373046875 K)

Appendix L_East-Cesar-Chavez-Street-Addendum-to-HRSR_Survey Report.pdf (432 pp, 48383.9970703125 K)

Appendix L_Alfred and Jacqueline Haster House_Intensive Survey Technical Report_Sept2022.pdf (61 pp, 7345.21875 K)

Appendix K_TransportationEquityandAccessStudies.pdf (158 pp, 102275.71484375 K)

Appendix J__CommunityImpactsAssessment.pdf (115 pp, 1396.0849609375 K)

Appendix I_ScopingDocuments.pdf (100 pp, 3016.8388671875 K)

Appendix H_TrafficData.pdf (3575 pp, 34693.888671875 K)

Appendix G_Placeholder-Comment-Response-Matrix-from-Public-Hearing-and-Notice-of-Availability-of-DEIS.pdf (1 pp, 54.0986328125 K)

Appendix F_Placeholder-Comments-Received-from-Public-Hearing-and-Notice-of-Availability-of-DEIS.pdf (1 pp, 53.5595703125 K)

Appendix E_ScopingCommentThemes.pdf (40 pp, 597.03125 K)

Appendix D_AgencyCoordination.pdf (218 pp, 15397.703125 K)

Appendix C_TypicalSections.pdf (35 pp, 15009.2998046875 K)

Appendix B-2_Design Schematics Modified Alternative 3.pdf (7 pp, 20521.0966796875 K)

Appendix B-1_Design Schematics Alternative 2.pdf (8 pp, 21437.05078125 K)

Appendix A_ProjectLocationMap.pdf (2 pp, 663.7666015625 K)

I-35 Capital Express Central Project Draft Environmental Impact Statement.pdf (517 pp, 44597.1162109375 K)