Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Database

EIS Details

EIS Title

Little Cottonwood Canyon Environmental Impact Statement; SR-210: Wasatch Boulevard to Alta

EIS Number


Document Type


Federal Register Date

2022-09-02 00:00:00.0

EIS Comment Due/ Review Period Date

2022-10-17 00:00:00.0

Amended Notice Date

Amended Notice

Supplemental Information

Issuance of Notice of Intent to Prepare an EIS:

2019-05-15 00:00:00.0

EPA Comment Letter Date

2022-10-17 00:00:00.0

State or Territory


Lead Agency

Utah Department of Transportation

Contact Name

Josh Van Jura

Contact Phone


Rating (if Draft EIS)

As of October 2018, EPA discontinued the use of ratings for Draft EISs.

Check the reCAPTCHA to download documents.

EIS Document(s):

LCC_FEIS_32E_Tower_Simulations.pdf (10 pp, 574.021484375 K)

LCC_FEIS_32D_Constructive_Use_Memo.pdf (32 pp, 664.060546875 K)

LCC_FEIS_32C_Section_4f_Comments.pdf (952 pp, 5173.81640625 K)

LCC_FEIS_32B_Comments_13336-13443.pdf (290 pp, 6531.4853515625 K)

LCC_FEIS_32B_Comments_13322-13335.pdf (262 pp, 6070.9228515625 K)

LCC_FEIS_32B_Comments_13308-13321.pdf (196 pp, 5216.7236328125 K)

LCC_FEIS_32B_Comments_11678-13307.pdf (1837 pp, 10515.84375 K)

LCC_FEIS_32B_Comments_08835-11677.pdf (2931 pp, 13006.5537109375 K)

LCC_FEIS_32B_Comments_05891-08834.pdf (3045 pp, 12071.1875 K)

LCC_FEIS_32B_Comments_03087-05890.pdf (2911 pp, 19838.9208984375 K)

LCC_FEIS_32B_Comments_00001-03086.pdf (3103 pp, 7221.404296875 K)

LCC_FEIS_32A_Commenter_Matrix.pdf (178 pp, 4267.111328125 K)

LCC_FEIS_32_Response_to_Comments.pdf (258 pp, 2018.0703125 K)

LCC_FEIS_31_Index.pdf (6 pp, 73.7255859375 K)

LCC_FEIS_30_Distribution.pdf (2 pp, 45.419921875 K)

LCC_FEIS_29_List of Preparers.pdf (6 pp, 118.7080078125 K)

LCC_FEIS_28_USFS_Amendments.pdf (10 pp, 135.0 K)

LCC_FEIS_27B_Revised_4f_6f_Public.pdf (13 pp, 1521.6748046875 K)

LCC_FEIS_27A_Public_Hearing.pdf (138 pp, 19512.03125 K)

LCC_FEIS_27_Coordination.pdf (30 pp, 402.05078125 K)

LCC_FEIS_26B_De_Minimis_Correspondence.pdf (50 pp, 2600.19140625 K)

LCC_FEIS_26A_Climbing_Boulders.pdf (8 pp, 1274.87890625 K)

LCC_FEIS_26_Section_4f_6f.pdf (92 pp, 2613.5654296875 K)

LCC_FEIS_25_Mitigation_Summary.pdf (24 pp, 211.439453125 K)

LCC_FEIS_24_Permits_Clearances.pdf (12 pp, 147.0390625 K)

LCC_FEIS_23_Irreversible.pdf (2 pp, 31.892578125 K)

LCC_FEIS_22_Short_Term.pdf (2 pp, 33.5322265625 K)

LCC_FEIS_21_Cumulative.pdf (42 pp, 671.32421875 K)

LCC_FEIS_20_Indirect.pdf (26 pp, 288.68359375 K)

LCC_FEIS_19_Construction.pdf (14 pp, 212.8173828125 K)

LCC_FEIS_18_Energy.pdf (6 pp, 82.4970703125 K)

LCC_FEIS_17B_KOP_Cog_Rail.pdf (64 pp, 5824.0693359375 K)

LCC_FEIS_17A_KOP_Bus_Gondola.pdf (96 pp, 8486.9130859375 K)

LCC_FEIS_17_Visual.pdf (74 pp, 1638.412109375 K)

LCC_FEIS_16_Hazardous.pdf (18 pp, 265.7978515625 K)

LCC_FEIS_15B_DOE_FOE.pdf (122 pp, 14753.6572265625 K)

LCC_FEIS_15A_Architectural_Resources.pdf (48 pp, 6290.857421875 K)

LCC_FEIS_15_Cultural.pdf (30 pp, 441.400390625 K)

LCC_FEIS_14_Floodplains.pdf (30 pp, 641.3994140625 K)

LCC_FEIS_13B_RHCA_Memo.pdf (84 pp, 8003.298828125 K)

LCC_FEIS_13A_Pertinent_Correspondence.pdf (10 pp, 394.830078125 K)

LCC_FEIS_13_Ecosystem_Resources.pdf (64 pp, 996.0458984375 K)

LCC_FEIS_12_Water_Resources.pdf (52 pp, 747.0869140625 K)

LCC_FEIS_11A-2_Noise_Tech_Report.pdf (222 pp, 72805.5625 K)

LCC_FEIS_11A-1_Noise_Tech_Report.pdf (500 pp, 80372.0634765625 K)

LCC_FEIS_11_Noise.pdf (38 pp, 737.3828125 K)

LCC_FEIS_10A_Air_Quality_Tech_Report.pdf (162 pp, 7854.6064453125 K)

LCC_FEIS_10_Air_Quality.pdf (30 pp, 373.0400390625 K)

LCC_FEIS_09_Peds_Bikes.pdf (20 pp, 444.66796875 K)

LCC_FEIS_08_Joint_Development.pdf (4 pp, 50.8212890625 K)

LCC_FEIS_07_Traffic_Transportation.pdf (28 pp, 504.3017578125 K)

LCC_FEIS_06_Economics.pdf (28 pp, 513.2431640625 K)

LCC_FEIS_05_Environmental_Justice.pdf (22 pp, 359.9462890625 K)

LCC_FEIS_04A_Property_Impacts.pdf (26 pp, 623.1015625 K)

LCC_FEIS_04_Community.pdf (60 pp, 981.5947265625 K)

LCC_FEIS_03_Land_Use.pdf (48 pp, 1327.505859375 K)

LCC_FEIS_02I_Phased_Bus.pdf (10 pp, 455.046875 K)

LCC_FEIS_02H_Modifications.pdf (8 pp, 340.890625 K)

LCC_FEIS_02G_Preferred_Alternative_Memo.pdf (32 pp, 710.9794921875 K)

LCC_FEIS_02F_Cog_Rail_Plans.pdf (31 pp, 5762.0 K)

LCC_FEIS_02E_Gondola_Plans.pdf (56 pp, 8357.7685546875 K)

LCC_FEIS_02D_Enhanced_Bus_PPSL_Plans.pdf (24 pp, 6377.3955078125 K)

LCC_FEIS_02C_Five_Lane_Plans.pdf (12 pp, 2447.841796875 K)

LCC_FEIS_02B_Imbalanced_Lane_Plans.pdf (12 pp, 2468.12890625 K)

LCC_FEIS_02A_Alts_Screening_Report.pdf (474 pp, 17286.1025390625 K)

LCC_FEIS_02_Alternatives.pdf (146 pp, 4886.3994140625 K)

LCC_FEIS_01_Purpose_Need.pdf (46 pp, 2159.0224609375 K)

LCC_FEIS_00f_Summary.pdf (32 pp, 1610.7763671875 K)

LCC_FEIS_00e_Volume5_Front Matter.pdf (9 pp, 139.1494140625 K)

LCC_FEIS_00d_Volume4_Front Matter.pdf (13 pp, 151.21484375 K)

LCC_FEIS_00c_Volume3_Front Matter.pdf (3 pp, 102.5361328125 K)

LCC_FEIS_00b_Volume2_Front Matter.pdf (9 pp, 132.0888671875 K)

LCC_FEIS_00a_Volume1_Front Matter.pdf (11 pp, 287.0791015625 K)

Comment Letter(s):

EPA Region 8 Comment Letter_Little Cottonwood Canyon_SR210_Final EIS_10_17_22_FINAL.pdf (5 pp, 306.2431640625 K)