Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Database

EIS Details

EIS Title

Sugar Pine Project Water Right 15375 Extension and Radial Gates Installation

EIS Number


Document Type


Federal Register Date

2022-11-04 00:00:00.0

EIS Comment Due/ Review Period Date

2022-12-05 00:00:00.0

Amended Notice Date

Amended Notice

Supplemental Information

Issuance of Notice of Intent to Prepare an EIS:

2016-09-02 00:00:00.0

EPA Comment Letter Date

2022-11-28 00:00:00.0

State or Territory


Lead Agency

Forest Service

Contact Name

Timothy Cardoza

Contact Phone


Rating (if Draft EIS)

As of October 2018, EPA discontinued the use of ratings for Draft EISs.

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EIS Document(s):

Volume 2 - Appendix 1 - Additional Air Quality Modeling.pdf (2 pp, 80.6044921875 K)

Volume 2 - Appendix O - Federal Register Notice and NEPA Public Comments.pdf (57 pp, 10609.8701171875 K)

Volume 2 - Appendix L1. Sugar_Pine_USFWS_BA_020922.pdf (62 pp, 8369.115234375 K)

Volume 2 - Appendix B - USFS 2003 Special Use Permit for Reservoir.pdf (21 pp, 1221.6376953125 K)

Volume 2 - Appendix P - Distribution List.pdf (5 pp, 140.2763671875 K)

Volume 2 - Appendix N - Initial Study, NOP and CEQA Public Comments.pdf (70 pp, 8227.0751953125 K)

Volume 2 - Appendix M - NRCS Web Soil Survey.pdf (130 pp, 3745.7021484375 K)

Volume 2 - Appendix L11. Layne's Butterweed Compensatory MMs.pdf (7 pp, 1848.26953125 K)

Volume 2 - Appendix L10. Sugar Pine Reservoir Landbird Report.pdf (9 pp, 417.0224609375 K)

Volume 2 - Appendix L9. MIS Sugar Pine Project.pdf (42 pp, 5786.474609375 K)

Volume 2 - Appendix L8. Sugar Pine Invasive Weed Report.pdf (25 pp, 4517.484375 K)

Volume 2 - Appendix L7. Sugar Pine Other BRA.pdf (16 pp, 5136.8955078125 K)

Volume 2 - Appendix L6_2016 Sugar Pine Reservoir Delineation of Waters Report.pdf (56 pp, 13480.966796875 K)

Volume 2 - Appendix L5. Sugar Pine Botanical BE.pdf (50 pp, 6921.6943359375 K)

Volume 2 - Appendix L4. SugarPine BE.pdf (175 pp, 9837.330078125 K)

Volume 2 - Appendix L3. FPUD Survey Report.pdf (141 pp, 25538.22265625 K)

Volume 2 - Appendix L2. CRLF Habitat Assessment.pdf (121 pp, 16308.1884765625 K)

Volume 2 - Appendix K - Special-Status Wildlife Species.pdf (7 pp, 311.67578125 K)

Volume 2 - Appendix J - Special-Status Plant Species.pdf (7 pp, 844.3193359375 K)

Volume 2 - Appendix I - Permanently Impacted Vegetation Maps.pdf (4 pp, 2843.0595703125 K)

Volume 2 - Appendix H - Air Quality Emissions Modeling.pdf (58 pp, 2729.4599609375 K)

Volume 2 - Appendix G - TNF Management Requirements.pdf (6 pp, 167.748046875 K)

Volume 2 - Appendix F - Recreation Facility Relocation Plan Draft.pdf (11 pp, 8580.1259765625 K)

Volume 2 - Appendix E - California Water Action Plan (2016 Update).pdf (28 pp, 545.705078125 K)

Volume 2 - Appendix D - Title V of Public Law 106-566.pdf (4 pp, 333.033203125 K)

Volume 2 - Appendix C - LRMP section for MA 096 Sugar Pine.pdf (6 pp, 1745.068359375 K)

Volume 2 - Appendix A - SPR 2016 Operations Plan.pdf (49 pp, 10496.208984375 K)

Volume 1 Sugar Pine Project Water Right Permit 15375 Extension and Radial Gates Installation.pdf (601 pp, 78246.8447265625 K)

Comment Letter(s):

2022-11-28_EPA comments FEIS_Sugar Pine Project_20210074_signed.pdf (1 pp, 237.640625 K)