Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Database

EIS Details

EIS Title

ADOPTION - Rebuild by Design - Hudson River (RBD-HR)

EIS Number


Unique Identification Number

Document Type


Federal Register Date

2022-12-30 00:00:00.0

EIS Comment Due/ Review Period Date

2023-01-30 00:00:00.0

Amended Notice Date

Amended Notice

Supplemental Information

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has adopted the Department of Housing and Urban Developmentā€™s Final EIS No. 20170101, filed 6/8/2017 with the Environmental Protection Agency. The FEMA was not a cooperating agency on this project. Therefore, republication of the document is necessary under Section 1506.3(c) of the CEQ regulations.

Issuance of Notice of Intent to Prepare an EIS:

2017-01-01 00:00:00.0

EPA Comment Letter Date

State or Territory


Lead Agency

Federal Emergency Management Agency

Contact Name

John McKee

Contact Phone


Rating (if Draft EIS)

As of October 2018, EPA discontinued the use of ratings for Draft EISs.

Check the reCAPTCHA to download documents.

EIS Document(s):

Table of Contents_RBD-HR_FEIS.pdf (7 pp, 1852.3955078125 K)

Executive Summary_RBD-HR_FEIS.pdf (27 pp, 9407.7236328125 K)

Cover_Cover_Sheet_RBD-HR_FEIS.pdf (3 pp, 1173.03125 K)

Chapter_9_List of Preparers_RBD-HR_FEIS.pdf (3 pp, 106.6103515625 K)

Chapter_8_List of References_RBD-HR_FEIS.pdf (8 pp, 129.6376953125 K)

Chapter_7_Consultation and Coordination_RBD-HR_FEIS.pdf (13 pp, 1695.0009765625 K)

Chapter_6_Alternatives Analysis_RBD-HR_FEIS.pdf (15 pp, 3417.8876953125 K)

Chapter_05_Cumulative Impacts_RBD-HR_FEIS.pdf (18 pp, 3783.45703125 K)

Chapter_4.10_Summary of Environmental Consequences_RBD-HR_FEIS.pdf (3 pp, 117.70703125 K)

Chapter_4.09_Transportation and Infrastructure_RBD-HR_FEIS.pdf (16 pp, 3758.8291015625 K)

Chapter_4.08_Socioeconomics and Land Use_RBD-HR_FEIS.pdf (50 pp, 12542.146484375 K)

Chapter_4.07_Hazardous Waste_RBD-HR_FEIS.pdf (15 pp, 3164.87109375 K)

Chapter_4.06_Air_Quality_RBD-HR_FEIS.pdf (7 pp, 150.19140625 K)

Chapter_4.05_Viewshed_RBD-HR_FEIS.pdf (14 pp, 7773.140625 K)

Chapter_4.04_Vibration_RBD-HR_FEIS.pdf (9 pp, 1520.984375 K)

Chapter_4.03_Noise_RBD-HR_FEIS.pdf (11 pp, 2073.4970703125 K)

Chapter_4.02_Cultural Resources_RBD-HR_FEIS.pdf (42 pp, 13146.3876953125 K)

Chapter_4.0_4.01_Affected Env Intro and Natural Resources_RBD-HR_FEIS.pdf (50 pp, 12471.4599609375 K)

Chapter_3_Concepts and Alternatives Analysis_RBD-HR_FEIS.pdf (37 pp, 16136.3525390625 K)

Chapter_2_Purpose and Need_RBD-HR_FEIS.pdf (4 pp, 1372.8623046875 K)

Chapter_1_Introduction_RBD-HR_FEIS.pdf (13 pp, 5901.1162109375 K)

Attachment_9_BASF Environmental Assessment_RBD-HR_FEIS.pdf (34 pp, 9164.9033203125 K)

Attachment_8_Socioeconomics_Land Use_EJ_TES_RBD-HR_FEIS.pdf (147 pp, 27763.0009765625 K)

Attachment_7_Natural Ecosystems TES_RBD-HR_FEIS.pdf (203 pp, 30242.123046875 K)

Attachment_6_Hazardous Waste Screening TES_RBD-HR_FEIS.pdf (312 pp, 24479.3203125 K)

Attachment_5_Cultural Resources TES Vol_2c_RBD-HR_FEIS.pdf (251 pp, 16895.9814453125 K)

Attachment_5_Cultural Resources TES Vol_2b_RBD-HR_FEIS.pdf (355 pp, 30620.1318359375 K)

Attachment_5_Cultural Resources TES Vol_2a_RBD-HR_FEIS.pdf (438 pp, 48795.2705078125 K)

Attachment_5_Cultural Resources TES Vol_1c_RBD-HR_FEIS.pdf (333 pp, 40388.458984375 K)

Attachment_5_Cultural Resources TES Vol_1b_RBD-HR_FEIS.pdf (131 pp, 30793.6103515625 K)

Attachment_5_Cultural Resources TES Vol_1a_RBD-HR_FEIS.pdf (200 pp, 37480.18359375 K)

Attachment_4_Air Quality TES_RBD-HR_FEIS.pdf (141 pp, 18224.8388671875 K)

Attachment_3_Noise and Vibration TES_RBD-HR_FEIS.pdf (200 pp, 26827.7392578125 K)

Attachment_2_Traffic Study Technical Memo_RDB-HR_FEIS.pdf (336 pp, 21337.474609375 K)

Attachment_1_Scoping Document_RBD-HR_FEIS.pdf (226 pp, 9737.001953125 K)

Appendix_G_Draft Programmatic Agreement_RBD-HR_FEIS.pdf (12 pp, 4328.1826171875 K)

Appendix_F_Lower Hudson River Sandy Resiliency Projects_RBD-DR_FEIS.pdf (1 pp, 75.9833984375 K)

Appendix_E_Distribution Lists_RBD-HR_FEIS.pdf (1 pp, 251.5400390625 K)

Appendix_D_Handouts_RBD-HR_FEIS.pdf (11 pp, 50877.2705078125 K)

Appendix_C_Public Comments_RBD-HR_FEIS.pdf (123 pp, 29242.2763671875 K)

Appendix_B_Agency Outreach_RBD-HR_FEIS.pdf (25 pp, 15303.9658203125 K)

Appendix_A_CAG and Community Mtg. Summary_RBD-HR_FEIS.pdf (13 pp, 2710.8515625 K)

Acronyms and Glossary_RBD-HR FEIS.pdf (6 pp, 105.9169921875 K)